Hogan Thompson Files Amicus Brief on Behalf of TXOGA
Hogan Thompson filed an amicus brief on behalf of the Texas Oil & Gas Association to request an appeal related to the invalidation of permit for a production sharing agreement (“PSA”) well drilled in the Eagle Ford Shale. Over the last decade, allocation and PSA wells have been the primary drivers of horizontal well development in Texas and integral to the state’s huge increases in oil and gas production.
Hogan Thompson is honored to work with TXOGA to try and secure an appellate win, which would benefit landowners, consumers, and oil and gas companies throughout the state. The appellate court’s decision could have a wide-ranging impact on the tens of thousands of PSA and allocation wells permitted in Texas.
About the Texas Oil & Gas Association (TXOGA)
TXOGA is a statewide trade association representing every facet of the Texas oil and natural gas industry, including small independents and major producers. Collectively, the membership of TXOGA produces in excess of 80 percent of Texas’s crude oil and natural gas, operates over 80 percent of the state’s refining capacity, and is responsible for the vast majority of the state’s pipelines. In fiscal year 2021, the oil and natural gas industry employed more than 422,000 Texans in direct jobs and paid $15.8 billion in state and local taxes and state royalties, funding our state’s schools, roads, and first responders.